Sunday, March 16, 2008

Will You Join the March for Fair Laws?

by Sara Ibrahim and Daniela Martinez Moreno,
AFSC Special Projects Policy Fellow

A Call to Put Faith before Fear

This Palm Sunday neighbors and clergy members began an annual week-long Pilgrimage for Justice and Peace in North Carolina in Representative Heath Schuler's (D-NC) home district. These residents believe that Representative Schuler's bill, the SAVE Act (H.R. 4088), fails to represent their faith values.

The SAVE Act "would force all workers, including citizens, to prove they have a right to earn a living - bad idea compounded by the notoriously bad state of federal government records," according to the New York Times. This week's march calls on Schuler and other North Carolina leaders to take an alternative approach, which welcomes immigrants, changes immigration policies and respects family unity.

House Members Try to Force Vote on Bad Bill

The timing of the Pilgrimage coincides with a move by members of Congress to march forward on this bad bill. On March 11, House members led by Representative Thelma Drake (R-VA) began circulating a discharge petition that would force the SAVE Act out of committee and onto the House floor for a vote if signed by 218 members.

How You Can March in Solidarity

You can take the lead of our friends in North Carolina by taking action. "The Pilgrimage is an annual tradition here in North Carolina during Holy Week as a way to 'live out our faith' and express solidarity with immigrant families," said Antonio Vasquez of AFSC Charlotte.

Take a Minute to Stop H.R. 4088

Call your Representative's office today at (202) 225 - 3141 (Capitol Switchboard). Ask your Representative to oppose the SAVE Act discharge petition. > Click here for the Action Alert.

Please take a minute to log your call by visiting the AFSC webpage and entering your zip code.

Support the Pilgrimage for Justice and Peace

For more information on the Pilgrimage for Justice and Peace in North Carolina led by the Carolina Interfaith Taskforce on Central America and supported by AFSC contact Antonio Vasquez at (704) 568 - 3602 or > Click here for the Pilgrimage schedule.